Hi, Thanks for stopping by iHeartRasingFaith. I'll start by sharing a little about me. My name is Kim, also known as wifey, momma, daughter, sister, friend, employee and coworker, and often times the appointment runner. As a mom, I wear many hats and some days I wear them better than others. Most of the time I am running on little sleep and being married to an airline pilot, I get to put on my 'daddy' hat and be the sole parent half of the time. I have much respect for single mommas out there who do it full time by themselves! It's not easy and I am always happy to have Matty home with the family. I'm not a writer, far from it, but I wanted an outlet to capture these special moments I know I wont remember years down the road, possibly even forgotten by tomorrow. A blog seemed like the perfect way to record these memories easily. Until now, I was pulling out an old spiral notebook to jot things down for the first 19 months of Skylee’s life. That all ended when baby brother was born and life got seriously busy. So this is my new journal.
You may not know this about my family but my husband Matt, the handsome pilot of mine I was just talking about, and I have a rare opportunity to raise two blind babies. Skylee and Duke were both born blind from LCA - a very rare genetic disorder causing blindness from birth. There’s no cure, no surgery, no medicine to help my precious little ones at this point. There are many studies and clinical trials going on and I pray that somewhere down the road our children will have a chance to have sight. Until that day, we are raising them without limits. We want our children to have every opportunity a normal sighted child has. There may be adaptations we have to make along the way but that’s ok. Thankfully there is an abundance of resources available to us to help our children grow and learn and thrive. Skylee and Duke will learn to read braille and walk with a cane. Skylee is already making great strides at both of these even at the young age of two!
I hope this blog gives insight to what it’s like raising blind children as we stumble our way along the journey. I want to capture the tools and resources I’m using so that maybe someone else on a similar journey will be able to use this as their own resource. I also envision sharing these stories with my children so they can read on their own some day via whatever technology they are using when that time comes.
I love my family! My heart overflows with love for them! I also love Food! Any other foodies out there with me? If so, you may find me sharing the latest recipe I’ve tried or something I’m trying out with our toddler’s food.
I thought I would take you through my thought process and how I decided upon the blog name iHeartRaisingFaith. My doodling went a little like this:
Faith In God
Raising my Children
Raising Faith
Faith is Blind
My Children are Blind
I love my Children
I heart my Children
I heart Raising Faith