Eye pressing means time for Duke to get glasses

It's MLK day and Skylee and Duke are home from school. Matt is also home and we are planning to take Duke to the Eye Doctor's office this evening to get fitted for his first pair of glasses. Until just the past few days, Duke only rarely pressed on his eyes with his hands, but now it's a constant for him. Just like his sister, the glasses will help prevent him from pressing on his eyes which can be damaging to the eye socket. I am told eye pressing is a normal habit of blind people of all ages. It's comforting. It provides stimulation to the eyes. But it can be damaging so we are constantly repeating to both Duke and Skylee, hands down - no press, as reminders to them not to press when not wearing their glasses. Glasses give some sort of pressure around the eye area to help allievate an urge to press.  Glasses are also a protection barrier in case they were to bump into something. Pressing is not totally preventative but we can help.  I can't wait to share pictures of his fitting and let you all know what shape and color we chose for him. :)

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.