Skylee's Low Vision Screening

We are home from another eye exam for Skylee. Today's visit was with Dr. Fleming at the Low Vision clinic down in Dallas. Low vision is a term used to describe eye problems where there is no medical treatment, surgery, or lenses to correct the problem. Being blind, Skylee definitely falls into that category so we went along to the appointment as recommended by our TX services specialist and I can't say enough good things about Dr. Fleming. She was so personable and wonderful with Skylee.  

To give you a little background on how our morning started, we began at breakfast by explaining to Skylee that we'd drop Duke off at school then take her on a little road trip (anything over 5 minutes in the car with a toddler is considered a road trip!). We let her know she'd be seeing a doctor to check her eyes and to play with her. I didn't really know much more so I stopped there with my explanination. Skylee usually thrives on these types of simple explaniations however, I had forgotten about the tramatic experience two weeks ago at Skylee's two year check up. I had forgotten but Skylee had NOT! She repeated that we would go to the doctor to check her eyes and then she'd scream in terror. This continued the entire hour and a half drive through 8 a.m., stop and go, Dallas traffic! Matt and I had scurried around the house to get everyone ready, Duke off to school and on the road with no time for coffee! This combination did not make for an exciting road trip!

Back to the appointment news...Like I said, Dr. Fleming was amazing right from the start. She worked well with Skylee, being hands on and speaking to her in a fun, interactive way. Skylee did surprisingly great following directions when asked to 'clap when she saw the light' as Dr. Fleming held a pin light in different directions in front of her eyes. Skylee got so excited giggling and dancing in place when she recognized the light. It was super cute to watch Skylee's responses.  It was great to have a doctor's confirmation that there was indeed light perception and also some decent light projection which can help her identify where the light is coming from.  It may not sound like much to you and me but when there was once a time we believed Skylee was living in total darkness, this type of confirmation is very exciting!
