2018 Memorable Moments

Looking back at 2018 makes me smile to say, we made it. We survived. We had a big year with big changes and I am beyond grateful knowing that God guided our steps, our hearts, our decisions. I am beyond grateful for our family and friends who prayed for us and journeyed alongside with our struggles, our countless options, our indecisiveness, our purpose and decision. You know who you are, so let me just take this moment to say a big THANK YOU! If I can pray for you or be a listening ear, please know I will always try to be there for you in the same way.

To take you all back to the beginning of the year with our family and all that was presented to us is an emotional task that I’ve debated sharing the details of. The tears, the complicated decisions, the research, the phone calls, the counsel, our poor parents hearing our complicated woes, my sister hearing my daily stress and cries for help in our back and forth decisions, begging for guidance and pleading for prayer and hoping for the right decision to be made.

So let me share with you the highlights of Jan – April 2nd.

- To start the year off, three out of four of us had the flu - all at the same time. Matt was in the clear somehow – likely since he was away on a trip for the worst of it.

-Matt changed airline bases to Los Angeles. (and so, begins the chaos)

-Our goal was to end the commuting life for Matt and him missing countless extra days he could be home due to leaving a day early for work or a day late to get home. As a pilot, he’s usually always gone 4-5 days, but when that becomes 5-7 days because of the extra effort in commuting, we agreed, when his base changed again, we’d move to where ever that was, so we no longer had to miss that extra time with him and he with us.

- So, with the new Los Angeles base, we contacted a Los Angeles realtor. We were ready to make the move.

- I called schools, talked to CA principals, vision teachers, retired vision teachers, parents of blind children in the LA area, researched state laws of what our children would need to prepare us for enrolling them in their county’s special services for the blind.

-Scheduled time with our CA realtor to fly out to tour homes in person

-I talked to my boss to secure my job with a move to a new state

-We found a TX realtor and listed our current home for sale

- We sold our home!!

-We panicked! We were about to be homeless in ELEVEN DAYS!!

-In our ‘spare’ time, we looked at homes in TX to make sure moving to CA was absolutely the right decision

-We fell in love with a home in TX; signed a contract to buy – WHAT!!?? I Know, crazy, right? That was not the plan!!

-We decided we were not thinking clearly and that buying a home in TX was a bad idea. Matt found a great house in LA to buy so he went there to tour it and had plans to sign papers that day (remember we were desperate because we were about to be homeless in 11 days from the sale of our current home).

- Meanwhile I’m boxing everything up in our first home believing we’d be moving to CA in two weeks.

-Matt came home from CA and he did NOT sign the papers on the Los Angeles home. Something didn’t feel right about being there he said, and he had clarity that TX  was where we needed to keep our family.

-We tucked our tails between our legs and begged to get the house back in TX, the one we had already signed a contract on. The house we were in the works of backing out of. The house that we had not officially been released from. Thank the Lord!

- We got the house in TX!! And closed on April 2nd

- And now here we are. Feeling blessed. Feeling at peace. Feeling confident in our decision, God’s plan for us.

-Matt still commutes to work

-Matt still misses time with the family because he leaves early for work or catches a flight the next day home.

-Matt still stresses over figuring out his commute and schedule. But it’s the life we chose, and we know our kids are getting the best opportunities we know to give them. That is our purpose in this life. Skylee and Duke. They give us so much hope. So much joy! So much to be thankful for.

Well, I’ve certainly shared more than I had planned and reliving some of those details with you makes me tense up and get a bit weepy. But I can smile at the end of it all. We have amazing neighbors on our new street, something I prayed diligently about before our move. There’s a sense of community and friendship. The ladies on our street and in our neighborhood have embraced our family and made us feel at home with friendly introductions and welcoming us to the ‘hood. I’ve made good friends, met an amazing family whose daughter babysits for us. And I haven’t shared with you yet, but in this very same neighborhood, another family is raising a blind child the exact same age as Duke. BLESSINGS upon Blessings!!

There are other things I need to highlight that seem like light years away at this point. Skylee turned three in January 2018. And in TX, to continue receiving special services, children start the public-school system called Early Childhood School on their 3rd birthday. This started a brand-new routine with nearly an hour round trip for us driving her to ECS every morning.  She started riding a bus after school – picture your three-year-old on a big yellow bus! Then in April once we moved to our new house on the other side of town, Skylee was required to change to the afternoon ECS program due to bus route changes, which changed her bus drivers and all the new friends she had made in her short first few months in the morning ECS class. Skylee and Duke both had to change daycares to be more conveniently located near our new house, which meant interviewing and finding the right fit for our kids, all new teachers, all new classmates, even new school clothes to meet the daycare’s school uniform requirements.  It was chaos at the time, but we managed it and made it happen. We love the new schools and teachers so much. We miss seeing the faces at our old Montessori school though. It was hard to leave them since I was there daily, sometimes three or four times a day saying hello to teachers, other parents, the children, nursing sessions at lunch with my babies starting when Skylee was only 8 weeks old, and sitting in on therapy sessions with kids. The school was like family and will always be close to my heart.

We are making new memories in our new home now. Duke started walking this summer. Duke also celebrated his second birthday in our new house. Matt celebrated his 40th birthday so my parents offered to come to town and watch the kids for us while Matt and I took our first over-night trip together since we became parents, my first time away from the kids ever, to celebrate his milestone birthday. You won’t believe where we went to celebrate – that’s right Los Angeles. Oh, the conversations we had! But it was a good reminder that we were thankful NOT to live there. It was fun to visit though. And even better to come home!

We’ve now had our first holiday season in our new home and it was the happiest I have ever been decorating for Christmas. We even hosted our first Christmas party with our self-proclaimed Frisco Blind Tribe. Our beautiful tree has been taken down, but the magic of the season still brings a smile to my face. Our children adjusted perfectly to their new routines and new home and Matt and I are proud to start 2019 with less stress and more time for working on new goals for the new year!

Best wishes to everyone as we wrap up 2018 and ring in 2019 - you know, toddler style. Pilot wife style. Chocolate milk champagne glasses and toasts at 6pm with the kids. A call to my pilot wishing him a Happy New Year over the phone and in bed by 10pm with sugar plums dancing in my head…literally because I’ve got a birthday party in 12 days to start planning for my almost four-year-old who is excited to celebrate her day with the Sugar Plum Fairy – where does she get these big ideas!! 😊

Cheers to 2019!
